Educational Leadership and the Global Majority
The focus of my most recent work has been to foreground narratives from the majority, of which I am a part. These stories, which have been erased, silenced, acquired, marginalised and problematised, provide a different perspective. My book Educational Leadership and the Global Majority – Decolonising narratives is uncompromising in its call for truth-telling through new narratives and paradigms, but not before understanding how to deconstruct the old ones. It reaches way beyond the world of education and is applicable right across the leadership landscape.

The book amplifies a statement of fact about who the people of the Global Majority are, how and why we became minoritised, and how that situation is sustained. It brings to prominence an empowering term that connects people and provides an additional, more diversified wide lens for our times. ‘Global Majority,’ as conceptualised within the context of school leadership, centres the majority in any discourse. The book examines the structural impact over time of racially minoritising up to eighty-five per cent of the world’s population while at the same time denying the role that race and racism play in our systems and processes.
Watch the book launch.
Rosemary Campbell-Stephens handing Dr April Warren-Grice her signed copy of Educational Leadership and the Global Majority: Decolonising Narratives at AERA 2023, Chicago.
“This book will definitely add to ongoing discussions of global responsibility and the role of leadership in these times of global reckoning on race, anti-Black racism, and white supremacist logic”
George J. Sefa Dei, Professor of Social Justice Education and Director of Centre for Integrative Anti-Racism Studies, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at the University of Toronto, Canada
“This powerful book has arrived at a critical time. Government policy propagates a vanilla meritocracy which is wilfully colour-blind and in denial of the struggles of Global Majority professionals at every level”
Colin Diamond, Professor of Educational Leadership, University of Birmingham, England